Build Your Favorite Icons for Your Website

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Build all Icons you need with just one click in 30 seconds!

We build what you need!

Favicon Generator generates from one image the complete set of hight quality icons what you need for your website.
All we need is one hight qualiy template image in the resolution of 310px x 310px.
You will get all image files in the correct resolution,
the favicon.ico file (16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64),
the HTML Markup (16x16, 32x32, 96x96, 192x192),
Apple Icons (57x57, 60x60, 72x72, 76x76, 114x114, 120x120, 144x144, 180x180),
Android Manifest (36x36, 48x48, 72x72, 96x96, 144x144, 192x192)
and also the Microsoft Application Configuration file. (70x70, 150x150, 310x150, 310x310)

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Your image has to be at minimum in the resolution of 310px x 310px and in the one of the following image format: *.png, *.jpg, *.gif, *.tiff (Maximal filesize 2MB)

The App Name defines the name of the Pinned site application instance. The application name is also appended to the window title of the Pinned site application instance.
The Tooltip use as the text on the users home screen.
The Description provides additional tooltip text that appears when you hover over the Pinned site shortcut in the Windows Start menu or on the desktop.
The root URL of the application. The start URL can be fully qualified, or relative to the current document. Only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are allowed. If this element is missing, the address of the current page is used instead.
If you don't provide a start page, the current page is used, which is unlikely to be what your users want. But that's not the only reason to include it. Because you can now define how your app is launched, add a query string parameter to the start page that indicates how it was launched. (like: '/?utm_source=homescreen')
The virtual path to the image directory. This path has to be relative to the base path.
The themecolor is used when the site is launched from the home screen every page in the domain will automatically get the theme color.
By Default the service generates the image names, depending of the use (prefixed with apple, android, ms, ...). To minimize the manifest filesize use the short icon names, otherwise the images will be named based on the input image filename.
Define here the image format for the images used in the browserconfig or the application manifest. The Favicon file is always in the *.ico format. For the best quality we recommand to use the *.png image format.

Swiss quality

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Favicon Generator v.1.0.2 Copyright ©